Unusual Artifacts in the Blood Possibly Attributed to Covid 19 Vaccine

In the past 6 months we have observed unusual structures in the blood of some of our clients since the administration of the various Covid 19 vaccines. These artifacts observed under darkfield microscope are very unusual in nature.

Dr. Diane and I have been working in this field for more than 20 years and have never witnessed such unusual artifacts in the live blood.

For the observation of the objects in the vaccines and in the blood under the light microscope, darkfield microscopy is particularly suitable. An image observed in the dark-field microscope, is notable for its very high contrast. Due to the method of illumination in the dark-field microscope, the objects appear against a dark background, so light-reflecting objects can still be observed that are smaller than the optical resolution.

This summary is a preliminary, continuously evolving presentation of our research and findings.

This is what the blood of a healthy individual should look like.

Good blood movie    Click on this link to look at the good blood movie

These are pictures from the blood of our client.


  Large amyloid deposit / circulating plasma clots

The clots we are seeing in Long COVID are not normal clots. They contain large anomalous amyloid deposits. They are not normal clots. They are aggregated blood cells which have been transformed into aggregated fibrils! “Given that blood clots can block microcapillaries and thereby inhibit oxygen exchange, we here investigate if the lingering symptoms that individuals with Long COVID/PASC manifest might be due to the presence of persistent circulating plasma micro clots that are resistant to fibrinolysis.”  

cardiab.biomedcentral.com  August 23, 2021


http://Bulb like symplast movie

Self assemble Nano Particles

This is what we have seen in the blood of one of our client and according to Dr. Ana Mihacea.

They are self assembled microchips. In the background we can see the flashing dots. This is what is called

nano and micro robots and are communicating with each other with light signals and they are collaborating

to self assemble. These larger structures that are microchips.




Movie flower like symplast    Click on the links


Earlier this year, the German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis (GWG) release a report detailing what they found when examining various vaccine vials. GWG is an international network of more than 60 scientists, medicals doctors, and other experts. Their goal is an in -depth laboratory analysis of these vaccines.

A microbiologist and gain of function expert from GWG, Sabine Stebel, presented the group’s findings before the World Council for Health General Assembly on Sept. 5.

You can view their full report at this link: Report from Working Group of Vaccine Analysis in Germany – DocumentCloud


“Many of our ( GWG) findings are still preliminary. The investigations should and must be critically discussed, digested and further refined. Much still remains to be analyzed, but what we have found – we are convinced – is so important that the public in general and the scientific community in particular must be informed about it. There needs to be a wider understanding of the dangers that the COVID-19 vaccines pose to health and research into how the worst effects of these vaccines can be prevented, or at least mitigated.

December 2023    Demineralization and inflammation –  EMF overload?  HAARP?

In the past few months we have observed something very  unusual in the dry  blood sample of most of our clients. We have seen high level of what  is called “calcium spokes” (white spokes radiating out) and high level of inflammation characterized by raised red bumpy areas. These where on most of the layers on the sample (2 to 8).

These morphologies are not rare but what is highly unusual is that most of our clients are showing both of these signs in their dry blood.  We are suspecting that an external factor of unknown origin is creating a high level of oxidative stress and inflammation. Our personal guess is that it could originate due to some form of EMF (Electro magnetic frequency, microwave radiation, 5G) causing a major disturbance in our biological systems and bio terrain. Please clink on this link to view this very powerful and informative youtube video about HAARP and how it can affect everything including human beings.


The blistering is associated with heart and circulation problems, stress on the heart, possible arrhythmia, hypertension indicating extreme inflammation.

SYNCRONICITY !!?  Just as we posted this article yesterday we got a text this morning from one of our friend saying that there is a sudden high cardiac issues happening overnight in the local emergency. Her husband appointment for a heart test had to be cancelled.

White radial spokes indicate mineral deficiencies /electrolytes/ possibly leaching calcium from bones as the body is attempting to correct acidic terrain and electrolytes imbalances.


Nano capsule payload released through 5G or other EMF emission.

We have an excellent video explaining scientifically about the impact of the release of lipid Nano Particles (capsules)  into the blood stream and how it can react with red blood cells. Nano lipid  particles in the Covid 19 vaccines can  release their load  in the blood stream  through electromagnetic radiation that is causing heat; these nano particles being highly sensitive to EMFand heat.  If you watch the full video it explains very clearly how the release of the Nano particle can impact the flow of blood and why some younger more athletic people can be more affected.



Please click on this link and watch the full video.


Our latest finding possibly show what has been suspected to be graphene oxide; these are very unnatural formation (rod shape crystals) that should not appear in the living blood.

We are not biochemist and do not have the technical abilities to test those but some other research and scientist did.

A recent investigation by Dr Ricardo Delgado Martin and the technical report by Dr Pablo Campra ‘Detection of graphene in COVID vaccines by micro-Raman spectroscopy’ claim that the COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene.

As reported by CORDIS in 2018, a team of researchers has proven that graphene is able to convert electronic signals into signals in the terahertz range, with trillions of cycles per second.

The silicon-based electronic components we use today generate clock speeds in the GHz range, where 1 GHz is equal to 1 000 million cycles per second. The scientists showed that graphene can convert signals with these frequencies into signals with frequencies that are thousands of times higher than those created by silicon.

Graphene is therefore able to absorb radiation, meaning that, if contained in a vaccine, it would be highly toxic and harmful to human health.

