The Tate Effect: a Mind Blowing Story

The Tate Effect: The Surprising Shining White Knight in Armor.


A few months prior to going to the Advanced Workshop in Carefree Arizona while communicating with Paula, Dr. Dispenza’s manager, I had mentioned that we were always open to “surprises”. This was expressed specifically in one of my emails where I was trying to explain our procedures and presenting some of the possible protocols we could use during the experiment.

I always thought we should actually be open to surprises and expect them; expecting only what we think is possible, or possible so far is closing the feedback loop.   ..


The idea that information is exchanged throughout the whole holographically means that everything is essentially “talking” to everything else. Everything is aware of itself and its environment, and there’s a continuous “reciprocal relationship” between them (as physicist David Bohm said, see Additional Resources below). This creates a feedback/feedforward loop of consciousness, intelligence, and awareness, even at the quantum and sub-quantum scales. This reciprocal loop integrates science and spirituality into a unified worldview wherein all is connected; one where spirituality is no longer seen as a distinct concept in separation or opposition to the material world, but is rather viewed as the inherent dynamic of the synergetic wholeness of the material world.”[i]

These consciousness experiments are like opening the gateway to a new world: the world of quantum entanglement. The experimenter and the experiment and in this case the “experimented”, cannot be separated. I always have a deep inner feeling and profound conviction that this new world of Quantum   Entanglement is full of surprises and actually wants to surprise us.  

Dr.Dispenza’s workshop is fully dedicated to creating the environment where this new world of possibilities can emerge, and this is why Diane and I invested a lot of time and effort in attending his Advanced Workshop in Carefree, Arizona.   

These two paragraphs in his book “You Are the Placebo” most eloquently summarize this concept:

And because it’s consciousness that gives form to all things and that uses the brain and body to produce different levels of mind, once you arrive in the place where you are pure consciousness,  you’re free. So I began to let students linger for extended periods of time in their meditation and become no one, no body, no things, and be in no place and in no time, until they were comfortable in the infinite field of possibilities.”

“I wanted students’ subjective consciousness to merge with the objective consciousness of the field for long periods of time. They had to find the sweet spot of the present moment and invest the energy and awareness in a void that is not really empty space but is actually filled with an infinite number of possibilities, until they were comfortable in the unknown. Only once they were truly present in this potent space beyond space and time- the place from where all things materially come – could they start to create. This was when the real changes in the workshop began to happen.”[i]

There is one thing we learned, and are continuously learning, while doing this type of experiment is that while we can prepare all we can and create a “frame” of operation, the outcome will depend more on our intentions. By intentions I mean the position of the heart: the real intentions even at a very subconscious level. The heart intelligence overriding the brain intelligence; being more in a cognitive & intuitive heart center consciousness. When the consciousness gets focused on the heart center then we connect more directly to our greater cognitive center: the supramental field of consciousness beyond the physical mind.  When this happens we are truly outside of space and time, and when we are in the moment and completely detached from the results, wonderful things can happen and does happen as proven by numerous experiences and testimonials of individuals.

In this particular case it was not only the meditator who  had to be in that creative space and frame of heart,  but Diane and I as well,  who had taken his blood sample, recorded  it  and watched it later on.  Diane and I were not just scientific technicians getting data but were fully immersed ourselves in the whole experience.  I was personally involved in most meditations and so was Diane.

We truly believed in the Quantum Entanglement of blood and consciousness and the true potential of creativity in a high level consciousness experiment.

So now let’s talk about our specific surprise while watching the Living blood of one of our subjects.

So far we had not paid too much attention to the white cells (WBC). Under the objective of a darkfield microscope we can view the 5 different types of WBC that circulate through the blood stream as shown in this picture. With Tate’s blood it took a completely different turn but before we explain what happened, here is a quick explanation and picture of live blood  as looked at under  a darkfield microscope.


White blood  cells are part of a formidable immune system that keeps away any unwanted  intruders that can  cause us harm . You can see some here in this picture   that seem to be particularly friendly and even have a smile on their face;  they  gather sometimes in little clusters in order to exchange information. All of this might not sound very “scientific” but it really works well to help my client  relax and of course it makes many of them smile. It’s a good way to  tone down their overly oriented left brain function and open up their more subjective mind. WBCs look slightly bigger than red cells and are less numerous. In normal blood, the ratio is about one white cell per 500 red cells. So they constantly patrol our blood stream and are directed toward any area of trouble. In the live blood picture we actually see them moving. We won’t go into describing all of them and their specific functions which is not the purposeof this article.

So to come back to our particular “surprise” here, let’s talk about Tate’s blood. Tate was one of the subjects in the meditation/conscioussness/brain mapping experiment in Carefree, Arizona with Dr. Dispenza and his team.  Tate is an athletic looking young man in his late 30’s who seemed to be extremely enthusiastic about life and was one of the advanced subjects in meditation techniques. I had contact with him for  only a few minutes while taking his blood sample and giving him a simple overview of what we were doing. He was very eager about it  and I  felt a very positive  connection; a strong spirit and a dedicated soul.  We didn’t know at the time much about his personal life except for the few bits of information he gave us on our contact form. We learned later one on his personal story which is quite amazing.

During these few minutes of contact, I took a small blood sample and then put this living  sample  under observation  during the meditation, which would sometimes last up to 2 hours.  As part of the protocol, we carefully avoid looking at the sample of blood while under the microscope. So as soon as I got a clear, focused  picture through the binoculars of the microscope I  let the video camera record the whole session. In his case it lasted one hour and 30 minutes. Later in the afternoon during other activities in the  workshop either Diane or I  would carefully watch the whole recording. As we would do with other samples we would check for  any movement in the plasma of the blood which meant a sudden displacement or jerking that would suddenly send the red cells in a quick moving action. We were watching the recorded video session of live blood   and timing the whole session second by second.

 We classified the 3 types of movement as “flicker”, “quiver” and “event” with the latter meaning a very noticeable action sending a large amount of red cells flowing rapidly through the sample viewed under the microscope. Tate’s blood was very active and many of these flickers, quivers, or events have been  recorded on our data sheet. We felt he was having a particulary deep experience and connecting at a deep level. So his blood was of particular interest to us and both Diane and I were paying attention.

 This  was our usual expectation of “Quantum movement in the blood” and it manifested in many meditators throughout the 3 days of intensive meditation sessions. This is what we watched and recorded carefully for every person that was chosen to give a blood sample.  In the mean time Dr Fannin and his team of brain mapping technicians were recording brain waves of each participant.

Now this is where the story becomes very interesting. Like I mentioned earlier, up to that point we had been paying attention to the movement of the plasma  in the blood . The different degree of movement and displacement of red cells during meditation. A phenomenon Diane and I have encountered numerous times during our fifteen years of practice; something we attributed to a Quantum moment of creativity that I nicknamed a “Quantum spark”. Our attention was suddenly drawn to a white cell, the only white cell visible in our recorded sample along with numerous red cells.

In order to help you understand a bit better the particulars of this experiment and the sample we took,  let me explain that the blood we viewed under the objective of the microscope is only the very tip of a needle. There is a vast ocean of blood between the slide and cover slip.  The tiny tip of the objective that makes contact with the slide catches only a very small part of the sample and this is what we view and record on  our laptop through the video camera located on top of the microscope. Within that small area are contained all the different particules that we see in the blood; mostly red cells  and sometimes a small amount of white cells, a few at the most. In this case only one.

Another remarkable  and important fact is that the red cells do not have a motion on their own except the one created through the movement of the plasma flowing and circulating. In most cases, once we took the sample, the red cells would stop moving and stabilize after a little while. This was the case in Tate’s blood.  It is different for the white cells; most of them have their own locomotion system; meaning they produce their own movement in the plasma of the blood. A most active white cell  is a positive indication for good strong immunity.

In our field of vision we noticed Tate’s very active white cell right away . At first we didn’t pay too much attention to it as we were mostly watching for any movement in the plasma of the blood.  Normally we would expect the white cell to literally swim around and out of our field of vision as they do in most cases since they are continually patrolling and scanning the blood for intruders. In Tate’s blood it was a neutrophil that attracted our attention.

Neutrophil granulocytes (also known as neutrophils) are the most abundant (40% to 75%) type of white blood cells in mammals and form an essential part of the innate immune system. They have a multi lobed nucleus, which s of three to five lobes connected by slanders strands. They are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow. They are short-lived and highly motile. Contrary to RBC (red blood cells) WBC contains DNA[i].

 After  20 minutes into Tate’s meditation  we started paying attention to that one white cell.  We noticed that it was still there, going around within the frame of our laptop screen.  We would naturally have expected it to move away and travel to other areas of the blood on the slide.

At exactly 17 minutes into the experiment we noted in our data log:

  • 17 minutes: WBC (white blood cell) changing direction.


At this point we were  just starting to take notice of the movement of this one white cell; its activity  started to peak our attention. The fact that it was still there was even a bit unusual.

Then a little while later we wrote in our log:

  • 24 minutes: WBC entertainment!


A few minutes later  we are just “entertaining the idea” that the WBC is entertaining us.  However we start paying more attention to it. We were Observing what we were observing.

Diane and I had a little discussion and only half jokingly I said: “Well maybe it’s trying to attract our attention, let’s watch it.”

My left brain went into action quietly thinking : how can it know we’re watching it since we were not watching it while it was being recorded?

Then my right brain kicked in and said : You’re thinking in “time-space”; think more in “space time”. It doesn’t really matter what “time” this is/was happening because it was happening at a different level, at the level of the supramental field (a most supernatural field) where everything is connecting at the same time or outside of time in the quantum field. At this point it would have been  interesting to see Tate’s brain mapping data  to see what was happening and if we could correlate the action of the WBC with the brain wave data. This is a work in progress. Lindsay and Dr.Fannin  already have our notes and the clip of Tate’s blood so eventually we’ll get the brain data information to see if there is any correlation.

The great question that arose is:  Is it possible that our consciousness/Tate’s consciousness and the white cell consciousness were all merging together in a Quantum Entanglement feedback loop ?

It gave me the shivers and this funny little thought came to us that it wanted us to pay more attention to it. So far  we had mostly payed attention  to the red cells movement in the plasma and their little flicker, quiver, or event. We kept watching a bit incredously but to our amazement the white cell kept moving around the center  of our screen  until finally it decided to show us more of its capacity to surprise us. I  used the word “decided” as I believe that while connected to the whole each cell has its own intrinsic intelligence.

“Deep quantum chemistry is a theory of deeply structured quantum fields carrying the biological information of the cell, making it able to remember, intend, represent the inner and outer world for comparison, understand what it “sees”, and make choices on its structure, form, behavior and division. We suggest that deep quantum chemistry gives the cell consciousness and all the qualities and abilities related to consciousness[i]

WBC’s have such an important role and are so intrinsically connected to our deepest inner function; they must have a special type of intelligence.

And Diane who is always looking at things in a deeper spiritual esoteric manner  said this:

“They are truly our guardian angels in a higly hierachical, sophisticated community. And now we suspect that their intelligence needs further investigation”

So here we continue our investigation with  a more detailed report, more explanation and more questions than answers.

  • 00 min WBC change direction
  • 50 min WBC change direction
  • 15 min Big quiver (movement in plasma)
  • 00 min WBC stretching, changing direction
  • 00 min Flicker
  • WBC is going round and around. AMAZING
  • 00 min WBC now going down
  • 59 min WBC racing down!
  • 07 min  WBC back


This specific white blood cell stayed and moved very fast around the boundaries of our computer screen for over an hour. It was very entertaining as every time it got close to the edge of the computer screen we expected it to disappear out of view but it stopped at the edge and would either turn back or follow around. We were  astounded.

Did it know that we were watching it ? How did it  know that this specific area on the slide was the frame of the computer?

At the time Dr.Dispenza showed a video on the “Random Computer and  baby chicks experiment”, where the baby chicks were influencing the random device. So we decided to call it our “Chick white blood cell” .

Is it possible that this WBC wanted to attract our attention and demonstrate its innate intelligence to us, the Observers?

 Could WBCs have a special relationship with the emotional body of a person since they are so intimately connected to our immune system?

All of this left us with a sense of awe and wonder!

What message was Tate’s blood trying to convey to us? Was there anything special about Tate’s experience and meditation that would trigger such a powerfull reaction?

Unfortunately we were not able to have much contact with Tate at the time of the meditation  as we were so busy taking samples and watching the blood movie. Also I think we just had not realized yet the importance of what we had just witnessed.

Fortunately, toward the end of the workshop, Dr.Dispenza used Tate as an example and testimony on the regenative power of deep meditation. I don’t recall the exact details but Tate was born or afflicted since a young age from a sort of genetic weakness that affected one side of his body in the shoulder area. There was not really any cure for that type of condition.

Through a series of meditation workshops that brought him to an advanced level of empowerment using deep consciousness meditation he overcame his condition. He has now dedicated his life and works as a “life coach”, teaching other people how to do the same.

This really inspired us as we intuitively understood that he was someone who had probably developed a very deep and special connection within his body.  We will eventually investigate further and hope to have another occasion to interact with him during another Advanced Workshop. We will make sure in the future that we keep  closer contact with the subjects of our experiment.

I used  “White Knight” as the title of this chapter as a metaphor  to denote the purity of motivation and high spiritual orientation of our “White Cells”; the ceaseless defender of our body. They are truly our White shining protective angels, and our state of mind and heart has a deep influence on their behavior.  We are already thinking about further experiments involving these vital elements into our research. Now that a potential gateway or portal of consciousness has been opened it is up to us look further and deeper into this “Active Quantum Creative Potential”.


In conclusion


Typically during Delta meditation in higher level of consciousness the brain registers delta brain waves, the person crosses the threshold of the supramental level of the mind the body is asleep but the mind remains awake.  According to Dr. Amit Goswami, “the supramental level of the mind is the domain of the Archetypes He calls the supramental the theme body. “The body of archetypal themes that shapes the movement of the physical, the mental, and the vital.” Most everyone has access to a wealth of thematic archetypes. Human life is constructed from such archetypes. [i] There are religious archetypes, heroic archetypes, archetypes from myths and legends. Each one of us is constantly making use of some form of archetypes from his belief system to create ourselves and our reality.


Recent research in brain mapping has demonstrated that the measurements of a brain when the subject reaches this level can register very high levels of amplitudes. By lingering longer in

the void that is not really empty in the potent place beyond time and space[i] the mind accesses the powerful creative realm where one can manifest his\her reality. One of the fundamental universal laws is that everything is in perpetual motion. Consequently, it makes sense to assume that when the mind reaches this special “place” it has the potential to keep on journeying, thus the higher amplitude of brain waves: the journey is now spirit bound especially if the person as managed to remain awake during this time.


   The theme of one of Dr. Dispenza Advanced Workshop was: Become Supernatural. With this theme, this archetypal mental image, the student was invited to expect more of his physiology, to be more than the body.   If the student was to become supernatural during a guided meditations or on his own, he or she would automatically go beyond the “veil” into the realm of the supernatural. “This is when real change during the workshops began to happen”.[ii]

 Later on after the meditation, when we were reviewing the video of Tate’s blood we couldn’t help but be amazed at Tate’s animated WBC. Obviously this determined little conscious being wanted our attention. “Quantum physics all but proves the existence of a more subtle transcendental reality and that strangely, the physical world at the quanta level behaves in a mysterious almost mystical way. The understanding of the existence of this elusive reality through the principles of quantum physics allows reunifying science and the spiritual realm. From antiquity the dictum *as above so below* has been the one golden thread of all integrative models of medicine.  The concept of One immaterial substance, the Essence, surrounding, ordering, and coursing in the blood of all life is constant in all spiritual belief [iii]

In 2013 Diane Blackburn wrote her thesis paper for her PhD degree on the Quantum nature of the blood. She demonstrated with a video clip of a client “that the observation of the blood picture under the objective of the darkfield microscope gives us an indirect way to monitor vital body activities. It will conclusively illustrate that the mental and emotional attitudes of a person are reflected in the blood and that the mind of the Observer can directly affect the blood thus initiating the healing process”. [iv]

Concerning white cells, one enduring archetype from the spiritual realm is to view them as angels. Every major religion of the eastern and western tradition uses this imagery when it wants to express supernatural (that word again) protection beyond all odds. They are spiritual beings intermediate between consciousness and men. Angels are protectors, messengers who frequently interact and converse with humans. If there is to ever be any common ground between all religions, spiritual traditions past or present and the New Age philosophy, angels would bridge them all.  

They exist in a highly hierarchical community performing very specialized tasks for the benefit of humanity (for the sake of this argument we will not talk about the fallen angels). Angels are beings of the most refined substance of photon light. A photon is a quantic measurement for the smallest quantity of light.

Just like angels, WBC interacts and entangles with a person. At the physical level a WBC is not of the most delicate substance however the archetype of the powerful angels is of such refined photonic substance and has the power to change the expression of genes and optimally maintain the body. Both the exoteric and esoteric meaning of the WBC/Angel archetype are in coherence. Is it possible that this particular neutrophil In Tate’s blood wanted to communicate to us that it was doing its sacred /specialized job of maintaining his immune system working optimally? Because we both were expecting the unexpected and had no preconceived idea of what we would witness, being wide open to receive, we were able to connect and receive the message.

   What is the connection between the interaction of the mind of the Observer, the brain, and the blood? If this WBC wanted to attract our attention to its work of transformation repair and maintenance, what is the mechanism present for all this to occur? “In Quantum Medicine, Consciousness is a ubiquitous *substance*, a fundamental reality creating the entire material. It is non-local all -pervading and can only be indirectly measured.[i] In other words, Consciousness is the creative force of the entire Universe, an energetic field that governs the shaping of an organism. It has been described in the Vedas as Akasha. “It is said that this substance is of exquisite fineness and is so sensitive that the slightest vibrations of ether any place in the universe register an indelible impression upon it”. [ii] In parallel we could say that the blood plasma is of such an exquisite fineness. In his famous treatise Raja Yoga, Swami Vivekananda wrote that the Akasha “Is the omnipresent, all-penetrating existence. Everything that has form, everything that is, is the result of combination, and evolved out of the Akasha. It is the Akasha that becomes the air, that becomes the liquids, that becomes the solids; it is the Akasha that becomes the sun, the earth, the moon, the stars, the comets; it is the Akasha that becomes the human body, the animal body, the plants, every form that we see, everything that can be sensed, everything that exists”. [iii]

[i] ibid

[ii] Levi (1907) The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.  CA: De Vorss & Company

[iii](Laszlo, Dr. Ervin (2012-05-01). Birth of the Akasha Paradigm: New Thinking For A New World (Kindle Locations 255-260). Waterfront Press. Kindle Edition.


[i] Dispenza Joe (2014) You Are the Placebo, making your mind matter. USA: Hay House Inc. p 244

[ii] Dispenza Joe (2014) You Are the Placebo, making your mind matter. USA: Hay House Inc. p 244


[iii] Blackburn Diane (2013) Application of Quantum Medicine in Live Blood Analysis with Demonstration of Quantum Creativity. Unpublished Thesis

[iv] Ibid

[i]Goswami A. Ph.D.  (2001) Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation, and Immortality. Charlottesville: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.


[i] Ventegodt S1, Hermansen TD, Flensborg-Madsen T, Nielsen ML, Merrick J



[i] Dispenza Joe (2014) You Are the Placebo, making your mind matter. USA: Hay House Inc. p 244